In a realm where Eastern mysticism intertwines with Western principles, Dr Sarah Jane has created this transformative modality. Spinal Energetics unifies the elements within to invite a deep connection to our true self, by promoting well-being between physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and soul being.
Gentle yet potent touches stimulating an organic flow of movement and sound.
It is a practice to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to harness a person’s own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves.
As this energy unfolds, deep-seated tensions, resistances, traumas, and stories stored within the body gradually unveil themselves.
This journey leads individuals to soften resistant patterns or strengthen submissive ones, enabling the unimpeded flow of well-being that is their birthright.
Spinal Energetics is not something we ‘do’ to a client, it is a practice of collaboration to cultivate and support deep self-awareness in our clients.
*Neck tension, headaches, insomnia, overthinking, brain fog, eye issues, cold.
Procrastination, and more.
*Hayfever, runny nose, hearing issues, throat conditions, cough, neural problems, neuritis.
*Fellings of uncertainty around identity, purpose, and self-expression, feeling stuck, unworthy, and more.
*Tension felt in upper and mid-back, unbalanced or shallow breath, stomach/gur upset, chest conditions, kidney/urinary problems.
*Relationship pain, rejection, loneliness, overwhelmed with responsibilities, grief, sadness, emotionally unavailable and/or anxious.
*Anxiety, pannic attacks, concern of past or future, living in a survival mode, fearful, sensitive and /or reactive to environment and people around you, and more.
*Pain in the coccyx, sore joints, digestion and /or appetite disruption. Dysregulated nervous system: fight, flight, freeze and/or fawn response.
*Lower back discomfort, disc issues, pain or numbness in legs, circulation issues, digestive issues, constipation. possible reproductive, menstrual, bladder disruption.
*Lack of support, instability, uncertainty, ridged, inflexible, repressed emotions, does not feel secure, and more.
*Pelvic discomfort, discomfort throughout hips, legs, fatigue, feeling disconnect from libido, and more.
*Doubt, regret, searching for authentic self, difficulty making clear decisions, living for others, lack of confidence, self-abandonment, and more.
A person’s experience with Spinal Energetics is unique to them, no one session is ‘better’ than another, it is simply the precise session the client requires at that moment. Each session can bring about different understandings for the client.
Expect to observe and work with a range of expressions such as; laughing, crying, nervousness, all sorts of movements, sounds and releases.
Spinal Energetics is influenced by various modalities, such as Network Spinal, Alpha Alignment, Shamanism, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release and Pranayama. With the incorporation of philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese Medicine, Yogic and Meditative traditions.
Each person’s response to the treatment is very unique. Some people move a little, as they start to feel safe and comfortable during the session, the client's energetic field opens further as they become used to the treatment and eventually will progress and move a lot later.
Some clients start the first session with a fast response and move a lot, as their energy field is more quickly adaptable. This could be because of many factors, such as their experiences and practices in life (Yoga, meditation, breathwork, energy work, embodiment), or having taken part in a lot of energy work before.
It is important to note, that the amount of movement does not directly correlate to the amount of depth or benefits a person may receive during a session. For example, many times the client has an introverted personality, and they will display an introverted response, as they can connect deeply with their breathing only, without presenting body movement.
Each response produces specific new abilities that can allow clients to move into deeper alignment with the authentic self, live a life of vitality and develop a healthier spine.
We recommend committing to at least 3 sessions, to begin with.
This will give you a chance to adapt to the treatment, and for the treatments to be of the most benefit and value to your well-being.
Release of the spinal system from its major dominant holding patterns.
Development of Flow.
Surfacing of deeper level patterns as the body feels safe enough to reveal them.
An awakening of areas that seem to have been ‘asleep’.
Getting to enjoy a healthier spine, nervous system, and mind-body-spirit.
Increase in beneficial changes in life to better support life journey and dharma.
Each Spinal Energetics treatment lasts about 30 minutes, and the exciting part is that even once the treatment is complete, the client will continue to integrate and unwind the bound tension and energetic patterns worked on for up to 72 hours!
Not only will the client experience shifts on the table, but they will also carry these into their daily lives, making them more aligned with their values and life purpose.
One-on-one session in-person.
5 Spinal Energetics sessions Package/One-on-one session in person.
3 Spinal Energetics sessions Package/One-on-one session in person.
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