Karuna KI is a healing technique that is centered on the heart. It is a compassionate healing art that is centered on love and compassion.
Karuna KI enables us to work with all aspects of ourselves, accepting even the shadow aspects of ourselves to bring them into the light for healing.
Price $98
Kahuna healing is an ancient, sacred Hawaiin Healing art that involves the whole person, the Higher Self, the Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Body. Beliefs are the root of all illnesses. Illnesses are caused by tension resulting from conflicts of thought and emotional energy.
Price $98
Ra-Sheeba healing is a powerful practice that directly influences our chakras, effecting transformative changes in our DNA and electromagnetic fields. This alignment fosters an environment of love, facilitating growth and progress on multi levels.
Price $98
Sekhem-Seichim Reiki (SSR) blends both Seichem and Sekhem energies with that of Usui Reiki to significantly expand the Reiki experience and capacity to heal. Seichim offers expansion of the central light column, deeper clearing, and greater access to love.
Price $98
Tera-Mai is a style of Reiki healing focused on the removal of the build up of negative energies stored up as thought patterns, negative beliefs, negative ancestral beliefs, and negative life experiences, including the removal of parasitic energies.
Price $98
Tera Mai Seichem has the elemental healing energies of air, water, fire and earth. However, the elemental earth healing energy is the original earth healing energy that Buddha added to Reiki.
Price $98
Ma'heo'o is Cheyenne for 'Great Spirit', 'Great One' or 'God', Ma'heo'o Reiki combines the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water with the Great Spirit to activate and promote healing. Ma'heo'o combines the gentleness of traditional Reiki with the raw energy of Earth elements.
Price $98
The Celts believed that trees had their own unique frequencies which, when introduced to our energy, assisted our vibrations to rise. Celtic Reiki energy is brought up through our base chakra, mimicking the frequencies of the trees and elements of Gaia herself in order to create shifts and healing in our own energy.
Price $98
We bring that Gaia, or Planet Earth, is a Living Being. In this system we work with vibrations of the 4 elements of nature, with the Spirit of the Moon, the Sun and Yin Yang, as well as with elemental beings including fae, fairies, gnomes and other Spirits of Nature. The Elementals offer spiritual wisdom and healing through the practice of connection with loving energy.
Price $98
Mayan Healing combines a variety of ancient Mayan techniques that release deep-seated emotional blockages and allow the energy in your body to flow freely. The therapy can adjust your physical body, helping your chakras and meridians return to their normal state.
Price $98
Munay Ki is a nine step process to heal the wounds of the past: not just the past of our childhood, but karmic and past life wounds. By healing these wounds (that can be carried for many lifetimes) we raise our vibration and are able to become who we truly are.
Price $98
Tiger Reiki is a powerful Reiki system that was channelled by Korey Long. Tigers have mythological importance in many religions across the world. Tigers are considered ‘the king of the beasts’ in Chinese mythology. Five tigers are sent to guard our Universe against all the chaos.
Price $98
This system of energy harmonization and healing was channelled by Lisa P. Center in 2004. This system can be used to connect, understand, and listen to your power animal. Helping you find your way in your life, or clearing the path.
Animals are not carriers of disgust, remorse or guilt. They live in the present.
Trust your power animal.
We can take the strength and nobility of animals when necessary.
Price $98
Elven Shamanic Reiki is a system using nine symbols to call upon different elements of the Elven kingdom in order to empower healing, as well as five additional attunement symbols.
In this system, you will receive channelled energy from the crystals, lava and fire at the centre of the Earth; the energy embedded at the bottom of the ocean; healing energy from the stars of the Elven sky, and Phoenix bird energy for transformation. These energies provide a powerful purification of the body, mind and soul. This technique also uses herbs for distant healing.
Price $98
PRISMology is a gentle yet very powerful system of healing that works with the energy centres of your body. It work to clear blocks that are holding you back and/or can assist you with your physical healing.
Price $98
This healing system combines the energy of the Divine Earth and the power of the Archangels to heal animals.
Animals are natural transmuters and healers. Domestic animals, for example, take on much of the stress and tension of the people they love and live with.
In an attempt to heal their human friends, everything is stored in the animal's body, in specific areas just like in humans, which manifests itself in illnesses and diseases.
Treat your beloved animal companion, four-pawed friend, or fur-baby to the gift of wellness.
Price $98
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