Science has proven that trauma causes alterations in the brain and genes that can be transmitted to descendants for many generations. So if your great grandmother went through a trauma such as war, famine, miscarriage, abuse, poverty, or disease, their experience affects your life and relationships today, eg, mother-daughter relationships, husband-wife, etc. In this session, we access subconscious ancestral memories and traumas to bring healing and life transformation.
Book your personal one-to-one appointment.
Price: $155
If you feel this calling, then I invite you to think about how many generations were needed for you to be here today...
2 Parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 second great-grandparents, 32 third great-grandparents, 64 fourth great-grandparents, 128 fifth great-grandparents, 256 sixth great-grandparents, 512 seventh great-grandparents, 1.024 eighth great-grandparents, 2.048 ninth great-grandparents...
Could you allow yourself to feel everything that you feel about the whole pain, the whole suffering that your ancestors experienced?
And could you allow yourself to feel what strategies, what traps, what beliefs and patterns of repetition, you have been carrying unconsciously for love and loyalty, which are making you suffer like them?
Perhaps you think that suffering like them, you would be honouring their suffering. Know that your pain does not heal your system, your pain only perpetuates the pain. The cure is your freedom, it is your happiness, in this way you will honour them, many times doing it differently.
Setting yourself free for a lighter and easier life you also set free your descendants, so they can have a much lighter and easier life.
Now I invite you to look at your ancestors and see what you haven't seen before. How many of them had grown, prospered, had happy marriages and relationships, and had full and healthy lives?
Could you accept with love and gratitude the whole strength, the whole courage, the whole abundance and success that belongs to your lineage?
Could you allow yourself to accept all the incredible life movements that your ancestors offer you?
Family Constellation, created by Bert Hellinger, is a mental resignification tool and will give you the opportunity to look at everything that was from a new perspective. There is a lighter way to walk.
A family constellation session can be used to address any issue in any part of your life. From relationships to illness or symptoms, phobias, money, infertility and difficulties getting pregnant, marriage, separation, death/grief, professional career, prosperity, trauma, adoption, abortion/miscarriage, doubts about a life change you need to make... and more.
To discover which part of your life needs attention or healing, I invite you to do an exercise. Please take a deep breath, calmly read each one of the questions below, and just notice if any of these questions are a trigger for you:
Also known as Tapping, EFT is like acupuncture without the needles. It combines ancient Chinese medicine with modern Western psychotherapy.
EFT Tapping helps us to feel not only emotionally better (by helping to remove pain and clear trauma from our past) but also physiologically better in our bodies (by rapidly reducing the physiological stress response and increasing the release of healing hormones).
75 mins / price: $95
Locate and transform the limiting beliefs and patterns that are hidden within your subconscious mind but which are the root cause of whatever is not working out in your life - be it relationships, finances, career, health, wellness or more. With the ThetaHealing Technique, we clear our invisible blocks so we can recreate out lives. A blend of meditation, focused prayer and a connection to the Creator of All That Is.
75 mins / price: $95
Using charts and a pendulum, we go on an investigation to find the root causes of your issues and the various aspects, then we clear them to make way for transformation. Like kinesiology, pendulum dowsing taps into unseen energies to get answers about why something is showing up in your life that you'd like to change - be it health, finances, relationship issues, or more. We may use ThetaHealing or EFT Tapping to clear blocks.
75 mins / price: $95
Whether it's a loved one with a special celebration coming up or friend who could do with a pick-me-up, a Portal I Am voucher makes the perfect gift.
4/107 Wrights Road, Addington, Christchurch 8024, New Zealand